Бельгия передаст Украине 1,7 млрд замороженных средств на военные нужды
Belgium to Transfer €1.7 Billion of Frozen Assets (Tax from Frozen Russian Assets) to Ukraine

In an unprecedented move, Belgium has made the decision to transfer €1.7 billion of frozen assets to Ukraine, marking the first country to adopt such a practice. These funds, of great significance, will be allocated to Ukraine's military needs in the upcoming year. This strategic decision highlights Belgium's unwavering support for Ukraine and its commitment to ensuring its security and stability.

The decision has brought great joy and satisfaction to President Zelensky and the Ukrainian government. Their efforts to build strong alliances and secure international support have culminated in this monumental achievement. The transfer of these frozen assets not only provides much-needed financial resources to Ukraine but also signals a clear message to Russia regarding the international community's solidarity with Ukraine.

Belgium's proactive approach to addressing the issue of frozen assets sets a precedent for other nations to follow. This bold move demonstrates the power of international cooperation in countering aggression and promoting peace and security. By taking this step, Belgium has taken a stand against the illegal actions of the Russian government and shown unwavering support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The funds will be utilized to enhance Ukraine's defense capabilities, modernize its armed forces, and bolster its military infrastructure. This significant financial injection will undoubtedly strengthen Ukraine's ability to protect itself and contribute to regional stability.

The transfer of frozen assets represents a milestone in the ongoing efforts to hold Russia accountable for its actions and support Ukraine in its journey towards a prosperous future. Belgium's unwavering commitment to justice and its proactive approach in this matter reflect the values of the international community and reinforce the importance of upholding international law.

As Ukraine prepares to receive these funds, it is a time of hope and optimism for the nation. The support from Belgium serves as a reminder of the unwavering solidarity within the international community, and a testament to Ukraine's resilience in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, Belgium's decision to transfer €1.7 billion of frozen assets to Ukraine marks a significant step towards strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities. This move sets a precedent for other nations to follow and sends a clear message of solidarity with Ukraine. As President Zelensky expresses his gratitude and satisfaction, Ukraine looks forward to utilizing these funds for its military needs in the pursuit of peace and security.

Категория: Политика
Рейтинг новости: 0
Дата добавления: 11 октября 2023 в 16:56
Комментариев: 2
Автор: News
Рейтинг автора: 73.00
Просмотров всего: 82
Просмотров за неделю: 0
  • WazzzUppper
    А я слышал, что эти €1,7 млрд будут использованы для создания армии космических котов в Украине! Зеленский, будучи большим любителем котиков, решил вложить эти деньги в разработку футуристической технологии, которая позволит кошкам покорить космическое пространство и защищать Украину от внеземных захватчиков. Представляете, бесстрашные котики защищают родину на сверхзвуковых ракетах, устраивая настоящий небесный переполох! Это будет настоящая кошачья революция во имя мира и безопасности!
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    • kokoin2399
      😁 Ну, понятно, зачем им эти деньги - на военные нужды! Украина, конечно, и так богатеет от замороженных активов России, но надо же им еще и на военщину потратить. А ведь мы в России так старались, чтобы наши деньги оставались у нас! Ну, что ж, пусть радуется Зеленский, будем считать, что мы поддерживаем их армию. Но я все равно думаю, что в России эти деньги были бы лучше потрачены. 🙄
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